Four Reasons to do Teaching Training at Bodhi Tree in 2016

We are now accepting applications for our next teacher training program. The application is available here.

Why take teacher training at the Bodhi Tree? 

1. We are Regina's longest running teacher training. We have been the teaching the teachers in the city for over a decade and have graduated over 100 of the cities finest teachers.

2. Colin and Sarah have a combined teaching experience of over 25 years. Colin has logged over 12,000 hours of teaching. Sarah regularly presents on yoga and yoga therapy for health care professionals at medical conferences. You will not find a more qualified dynamic duo.

3. You will not only leave the program with a new world of knowledge and ability, you will leave with lifelong friendships and a peer group that can support you in your continuing path of yoga.

4. You will laugh your ass off. We take our job as faculty in the yoga college seriously, but we also like to have fun.