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Prenatal Yoga

Mamas-to-be will love how this practice connects you to your baby and prepares you {mind, body & soul} for this great transition. Prenatal yoga focuses on increasing flexibility, strength, circulation and balance. The class is uniquely designed to help women adapt to the changes happening in the body during pregnancy. You may begin your prenatal yoga practice at any point in your pregnancy; however, if you are unsure, check in with your health care provider first. You do not need to have prior yoga experience; we have women of all levels in our prenatal yoga class. The class is on going, and new students are always welcome.

Prenatal 5:15 - 6:30 Thursdays
March 13, 20, 27, April 3. 10, 17, 24
7 wks $18x7 = $126

Prenatal  1:30-2:45pm Saturdays
March 15, 22 29, April 5, 12, 19, 26

7 wks $18x7 = $126

$25 single drop in

Mom & Baby Yoga

Connect with your baby while taking time for yourself! The focus of the class is on movements and breathing specifically tailored for new moms. Special attention is placed on developing core strength and stability – with an emphasis on strengthening the back, abdomen and pelvic floor, as well as relieving tension in areas such as the neck, shoulders and back. It’s a fun and relaxing time to celebrate, move, stretch, and strengthen alongside with your baby. Generally it is best to wait 4-6 after delivery before attending; if unsure, check with your doctor first. No prior yoga experience necessary. The class is on going, and new students are always welcome.


Mom & Baby 10:30-11:30 Thursday
March 13, 20, 27, April 3. 10, 17, 24
7 wks $18x7 = $126

$25 single drop in