Sarah and Meagan certified by International Association of Yoga Therapy

IAYT is committed to a certification of individual yoga therapists (C-IAYT) that is internationally recognized and respected - by yoga therapy practitioners and educators steeped in the yoga tradition, and by practitioners from other healthcare fields with whom yoga therapists work in partnership.


The IAYT recently grandparented (certified given her existing training, experience, and expertise) Sarah Garden as she becomes one of of only two IAYT certified teachers in Regina (the other one is Meagan McIlymoyl, who works with Sarah in Bodhi Tree's Yoga for Backs program.)

Anyone can call themselves a yoga therapist. You can find "yoga therapy" classes available almost anyway these days. But internationally recognized and respected practitioners and educators are a much more rare and valuable find. These are teachers who you can be sure have put in the time, study, and effort to deliver safe and effective therapeutic yoga for you and your loved ones.

Congratulations Sarah and Meagan! You are both part of the process of giving yoga therapy a seat at the table in terms of how we approach health care in this country and around the world. It is important work and at Bodhi Tree we could not be happier to a play a role in making yoga therapy more professional and accountable.